Our Difference

Why we are different from the "Street"

Skin in the Game

Focus on the Upside - Not the Competition

Small is Beautiful

The biggest difference between us and other firms is that we are Partners – putting our own capital and reputation into every transaction. This is a guarantee that we will be totally focused on the microscopic details of the acquisition and management of the assets and their eventual sale and profitability. We have invested $48M of equity capital across various asset classes and strategies ranging from core, value-add, turnaround & redevelopment.

Our philosophy is to focus on the potential - rather than the consensus or the competition (i.e. avoiding “crowded trades”). Over the years, this guiding principle has enabled us to capture the underlying sectoral themes that drive investment returns and helped us to side-step risks and to perform consistently throughout the economic cycles.

Many firms employ large teams of in-house analysts and researchers in the belief that extensive research confers an information advantage. In this new information age, high quality research and analysis is freely available to all. Successful investment is now far more a function of superior analysis and effective execution than availability of information. We operate a small, closely-knitted and capable team where there is free flow of information, open debate and transparent decision-making. We believe this promotes the best outcome for our investment strategies and generate better returns for our clients.